Majors for Bachelor’s Degree:Pharmaceutical EngineeringBiopharmaceutical Tech…
Majors for Three-year Diploma Students:Secretarial SpecialtyFaculties:There ar…
Majors for Bachelor’s Degree:Tourism ManagementHospitality ManagementExhibiti…
Majors for Bachelor’s Degree:Forestry ScienceGardeningFaculties :There are 54…
Majors for Bachelor’s Degree:HorticultureFacilities Agricultural Science and …
Majors for Bachelor’s Degree:Network EngineeringInternet of Things Engineerin…
Majors for Bachelor’s Degree:Business EnglishTranslationFaculties:There are 5…
Majors for Three-year Diploma Students:Leisure SportsFaculties:The School of? …
Majors for Bachelor’s Degree:Aquaculture SciencesAquaria Science and Technolo…
Majors for Bachelor’s Degree:Food Science and EngineeringFood Quality and Saf…